​We can't wait to meet you and your family! Plan a visit to come join us.
Service starts at 10AM on Sunday mornings.
​We meet at Bethel Church of the Nazarene (3601 S. Atherton Street, State College).


what to expect

We understand that everyone is in a different place in their walk with God. That's okay. It doesn't matter where you are in your journey, you're welcome at Access Church.

Once inside, you'll meet a member of our greeter team. If you have infant children through 5th grade and would like them to be in children’s ministry a volunteer will help you find the correct age specific ministry room. Next, someone from our usher team will help you get seated for service.

Before or after service, make sure to stop by our café for a complimentary coffee & our New Here table in the foyer to get connected and receive your free gift!

Services are filled with contemporary worship and biblical teaching. They are Spirit-led, but generally last about an hour and forty-five minutes.


children’s ministry

We have children’s ministry available for infants up through children in 5th grade. There are signs to let you know where to check your child in. If you’ve never checked your child in, head up the stairs and to the right to see the check-in attendant. They will get you added into our system.

When you arrive you will be walked through a safety check-in system that will ensure the safety of your child during the service. All of our workers go through a screening process to ensure your child’s safety, and two adult workers are present in each classroom.

We are confident that your children will enjoy spending time at church growing in the Lord and making new friends!

Your children will:

  • Grow in Christ through knowing God and understanding His word

  • Experience the presence of God

  • Develop their spiritual gifts and be provided with opportunities to serve others



  • At our Sunday gatherings, you will see everything from jeans to business casual. Most come casually dressed, but it's up to you.

  • We believe that every service is an opportunity as a corporate body to encounter the One that loves us and created us. We believe that no matter what obstacles are in your life, the God we serve is a God of all possibilities!


    We believe that you will experience the timeless truths of God's Word in both a relevant and contemporary presentation that will challenge you and grow your faith in God.


    Our worship is a contemporary style with a full team of musicians leading. We know that God’s Word states that as we draw near to Him, He draws near to us and inhabits the praises of His people.

  • At Access Church, we believe God created community for a purpose to grow alongside other believers. We highly encourage you to find a Life Group. You can find a list of our current groups here.

    We also believe that every person has gifts and talents that can be used to further advance the Kingdom of God! We want to see everyone get involved with all of the exciting things going on at Access! If you would like to get involved in serving, you can visit the Volunteer section on our Next Steps page.

  • There are a few ways for you to stay informed:

    1. Announcement Slide | Available on the screen both before and after service.

    2. Check out our Weekly Digital Program at program.scaccesschurch.com.

    3. Our digital program is also available on the website under Program.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!